Pup once said that life is full of storms and darkness but he didn’t say that the storm will be heavy enough to ruin someone’s life. The golden-orange hue of the sun almost touch the top of the buildings as I watched the view of the dawn in the concrete window of this room.
Yes, I haven’t slept and don’t want to. Alpha Dominic wasn’t talking outside but the last time that I’ve checked him his drowning himself on alcohol. He knows that I am his mate, even in our first meeting I felt like he knows it and decided to fake it all. That thought make my eyes swell on tears once again, it seems like the world isn’t finished yet on throwing its storm on our life.
I silently muffle my cries while looking at the ring, perfectly fitted on my fingers. He really was determined to marry me and I was the one to blame. Even after knowing that he’s my mate, nothing on my emotions settled. Rather, it burdens me more to know that Alpha Dominic is my mate.