Chapter 58 Tomorrow\'s Plan

Grief. It wasn’t really a fleeting emotion of knowing that someone died. It’s an inner emotion of knowing and realizing that someone is gone. Someone is forever gone in your life.It wasn’t a feeling, it was an recognition of the heart. It was a hard emotion, that will knocked you down if you wasn’t strong enough and right now, I don’t know if I am strong enough to handle another lost.

The laughter, joy and memories that has been shared will only be a little part of your life. Estella wasn’t the nicest relative that I had. She was the person who stood beside me through the storm. The one who choses to fight with me in my own battle.

We didn’t start right and she ended in a very wrong way. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She was just out collecting information and establishing our plan.

It occurred to me my shortcomings. Guilt slowly creep inside of my heart. I shouldn’t let her gone out of my sight. I shouldn’t let her be alone and she might not suffer this kind of death.