Chapter 70

Chapter 70

In all his naked glory, Anakin got out of bed unabashedly while looking so fine and impressive. He strode to the TV stand, picked up the pen drive from one of the drawers, and plugged it into the console. He got in the bed beside me, and the both of us sat leaning against the headboard; Kin’s arm draped around my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. I waited in anticipation of what would come out of that screen. Then, Kin pressed the ‘Play’ button on the clicker.

(“My darling Beth, it’s me, Mary. I know we’re not supposed to be in contact with each other, with the outside world, but I don’t have any choice. You are the only friend I ever trusted. Before I go any further, I’d like to introduce you to this dashing man right here. Marco, my husband.”)