Chapter 83

Bryan's POV:

I sat up on my bed and stretched my arms. I couldn’t sleep well last night.

I had so many thoughts in my head so I decided to work and keep myself busy but that didn’t work and...


I think I might have caught a cold. Or maybe I am about to catch one. I shouldn’t have stayed in the office at night with an air conditioner switched on when the weather is starting to get colder.

I sighed loudly.

It’s not my fault that I decided to work instead of sleeping. It’s all her fault! She has been on my mind day and night! I can’t do anything! I can’t think of anything but her! It’s like she is ruling my mind and heart!

My heart beats like crazy when she is near! I try to stay away from her but I can’t help myself and go to look for her again and again!

What have you done to me, Mia?! What have you done to my heart?! My mind?! My thought?!