Chapter 39 Love struck

"Why, they ain't okay with us being best friends?" Jerry pressed, staring mockingly at her.

"That would have been better," she sighed. "They don't believe best friends spend Christmas at the same roof in this 24th century, maybe because you're a playboy."

"I am not a playboy." He said behind clenched teeths.

"Yes you are!!" She retorted, glaring dragon balls at him, they maintained that position for minutes before Jerry decided to quit.

"Okay fine, what's next?"

"We're courting." He raised a brow and she added, "For the pretense, you should be nice, like really nice."

He stroked his chest and said, "I get that."

But she didn't believe him, did she? She needed an honest reply from him, knowing how cunny he can be there's much to expect. "Especially to my siblings." He furrowed his brows at her.

"To be frank, I don't like what you did earlier." She said, matter of factly.

He rubbed his face, tired of her nagging attitude. "And I said I got it." He barked.