Chapter 54 Moving on

Jerry's pov

The more I tried to not think of her, the more my heart raced, it was more like a shattered heart struck in a thousand directions, the pains were becoming too much and the harder I struck the innocent wall with my fist the more painful it became.

Not that I couldn't stop myself from the hurt - the fist hurt precisely, it's just.. that's the only real pain I wanna feel right now, I just don't want to feel those hurtful words on my chest tonight.

I gave the wall a last punch and fell on it. I'm not doing this shit anymore, I shouldn't do it anymore! Ryan was right, I'm a Jray, Jrays don't get heartbroken, I have to scale through this.

Nobody should know how deep this wound hurts, I should bracen myself up and embrace any new developments that come with this. I dragged my feets to the bathroom, put on the running tap and washed my bruised hand. After spending some time doing that I aid it with some spirit.