Chapter 39 FELT LOVED

J's P.O.V

I got the feeling that she was begging a little so I crossed my arms and raised my chin just a little.

Her eyes widened and a paniced look covered her features, making me thing I was maybe doing too much.

What gave you that idea? The fact that she looks like she's about to cry? - Roger grumbled and for a little moment I was happy that she was here. Lower the chin a bit and relax those caterpillar brows.

I do as I'm told, ignoring the way the one insult I actually understood. Felicia's features relax a bit but they remain mostly tense as she rubs her hands together and shifts on her feet.

"I told them." She says drawing her eyes from the ground. "I told my dad, my brothers, my sister, everyone I care about I told. I didn't tell my other dad but I'm working on it."

She told her family about you - Roger fills in and my eyes widen in surprise.

She didn't tell them before? - I question and Roger sighs.

How are you behind in your own love story?