J's P.O.V
There were so many of them, Felicia's people. I knew it was a big pack but I didn't know it was a big, big pack.
I left our cave when I woke up and Felicia was gone. The cat wouldn't wake up and Roger wasn't speaking to me, so I was alone.
I went to make a hare but there was nothing there, Felicia always left something in the cold box.
I think she is in trouble.
So I came out looking for her.
I followed her scent to where it disappeared, right before a big crowd of people who had food and shiny things. I think mate's scent just got lost with all these people's. They were so many of them that I couldn't tell one from the other, I think that's why they couldn't smell me.
I joined the big crowd and started walking around. I wanted to look like them, so no one would notice me. But s few females stared, I tried to make a different face but they just did that giggle thing that Felicia always does. But it didn't sound as good as Felicia's giggle thing.
It sounded weird.