Chapter 66 WE GO PLAY

Jayson's P.O.V

"Jayson, do you know what Crescent Mates are?" Luna asks as she looks at me and Felicia.

We were all in the living room, me on the couch with Felicia sleeping in my lap and Luna and Alpha on both of my sides.

I shake my head but she doesn't lose her smile.

"Do you know what mates are?" She asks and I shake my head again.

"He's barely six years old, of course he doesn't know what mates are." Dad snaps behind me making me jump a little. "This is all absurd, there's no way they are mates, let alone Crescent Mates. Crescent Mates don't even exist, it's a damn myth."

"Then how else do you explain this." Alpha snaps standing to face him. "Felicia has been crying nonstop since she was separated from Jayson, it started the moment she couldn't see him anymore and has only stopped when she laid eyes on him."

"Attachment, it's not unknown amongst our kind." Dad says quickly. "She saw someone she felt safe around, he can just be her protector."