Felicia P. O. V

Well, you're going to be home soon and you won't have to go near him if you don't want to. - I offer with clear amusement in my tone that he let's slide.

I have to go, Aiden is giving my grapes that look again

I'll see you soon, love you - I reply laughing quietly to myself as I exit the room.

Love you too


"Places everyone!" Hagen hisses aggressively as he swings his arms around crazily. "Find a spot and be quiet!"

Everyone was scrambling to find somewhere the hide near the entrance of the house where Aiden and Jayson were approaching. We could hear the car coming up the driveway and were quick to act.

"Remember, when the old man gives the signal, then we come out." I remind everyone as we all settle in position. Silence quickly descended as the car came to a halt.

The signal was runt, Aiden chose it.