Chapter 17 If It Wasn’t Her…

Ileana’s mind suddenly dawned in the light of the incident.

Her mind drifted to the fact that no wonder, Liam had never touched those dishes back in her in-laws' house too. When she was the one savoring and enjoying the marvelous dishes.

At first, her thought was that he did it out of contempt and disgust. So he didn’t want to associate himself with whatever she likes.

But after today’s incident, she realized that it wasn't the case even. Instead, he didn’t touch those savory dishes solely because he didn’t like them.

Finally the lunch was over and it was time for Ileana to settle some scores.

She pointed upwards and informed Liam, “There are certain things I need to sort out. I moved out in a hurry because of marriage. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

Liam nodded lazily in a yes.

Her absence gave Didem and Graham the opportunity to do the buttering. They were doing their best to establish their rapport with Liam. Wanting to be in his good books.