Chapter 26 Is He Upstairs?

The breeze was cold and blowing gently, since it was the river side.

Nathaniel parked the car and got off. The neon lights from far away were filling the water surface. Standing in front of the car, he stared at the sparkling surface of the river.

He was let down. Could even hear the shattering of his heart in the flowing stream. The night was lonely like him.

When he got off the plane, he rushed to the ball. Only to get a glance of his beloved woman after a separation.

But what did he get in return for his anticipation? A thunderbolt, out of the blue! A chilling, and numb slap towards his warmth. His heart, hopes were all crushed by her ruthless action.

Ileana got off, after stabilizing her condition.

“Director Hills, could you explain?” She yelled a direct question.


“How can you pull such a crazy stunt in public?”

She questioned again, this time with a hint of accusation.

“Crazy? Really Ileana?” He asked glaringly.
