Chapter 35 Part 2 Are You Angry With Me?

Liam’s words weren’t even finished completely, then only Ileana jumped out of bed. She then scurried back to her room, as if racing in a marathon.

Entering her room, she closed the door behind. Gasping softly, until the surroundings fell dead silent. However, she still hadn’t come back to her senses. The effect of that moment continued in her heart and mind.

It was really a miracle that a temperamental man like Liam had let her go. Without reprimanding her or nagging her for touching his belongings. He even seemed to understand when she refused to accept his invitation. Though a slight progress but could be named as an achievement.

It was like a milestone one could name in their improper bumpy relationship.

Checking the time, she realized that it was already early in the morning. For the next few hours, she was just turning and tossing. As different thoughts rallying and invading her mind, making her unable to fall asleep.