Chapter 38 Part 2 I Can’t Love You!

Ileana’s mind was fixed upon the thought of Liam being in the same area. She was denying the probability continuously in her heart. Juggling between a yes and no, at first, she saw his car, then a familiar figure greeted her sight. Enough to give her a tingling sensation all over her body.

Despite all this, her eyes were fixated outside the window. Out of curiosity, thinking of a miracle to happen. But what she encountered had sent her rippling effects.

She saw Liam walking towards the same restaurant with a man. What’s more surprising, they were heading in her direction. With a troubled face, she panicked because it was too late to hide. In order to not to get caught, she tried to pull a puny act of lowering her head, and praying in her heart consistently. But it was already very late, as Liam had already seen her, the moment he stepped inside the door.