Chapter 40 Part 4 Come Up With Me

Liam would never realize or know that Ileana was the least afraid of being hated. She had already been accustomed to it, a long time ago. Ever since she stepped into Tyler’s household as a little girl at the age of nine.

She exchanged nothing in return and left for her room. That night just passed by like another usual one. With worries and troubles on shoulders bugging her, she didn’t know when sleep took over them. Engulfing her in the warmer unconscious blanket. For her, sleep was better than being awake.

The next morning, she woke up a little late from her usual schedule. The Collins family usually had breakfast sharp at 8:00 a.m. Since she couldn’t make it to their usual timing of breakfast, she didn’t rush. Moreover, it was a weekend, and she didn’t have to go out for work.

Rummaging through the wardrobe, Ileana took her time in choosing a dress for herself. She then prepared to have a shower in the guest room.