Chapter 56 Part 2 Kylie Came Uninvitedly!

After the hasty dinner Ileana and Kylie left for the Mansion house. When they arrived at the gate of the house, Ileana warned Kylie before letting her in.

“Don’t be a miscreant and mind your manners. Otherwise don’t blame me for not being a nice host.”

Kylie’s face darkened and crumpled but she couldn’t dare at that moment. Albeit she swore in her heart.

Acted nonchalantly and said hurriedly, “Alright, I got it. Let’s go in.”

Her whole mind was set up on one aim and that was to see her sweetheart, as soon as possible. She was rushing with long striding footsteps behind Ileana. In her heart bursting bubbles of colorful rainbow. Ileana purposely slowed down her pace to irritate Kylie, as she had been tormented by that miss, now it was her time.

“Bit*h, don’t think I don’t understand your moves… Just wait and I’ll teach you a lesson.”

Kylie was cursing Ileana in her heart while walking the whole time.