Chapter 66 Part 3 Where’s The Surprise?

It was six in the evening, dinner time, everyone was sitting at the table. The two people Ileana had bumped into earlier in the afternoon, hadn’t returned back yet. Sharon couldn’t help herself seeing the empty chairs but complained.

“Sister-in-law, I really don’t understand the concept of my brother. Isn’t his treatment towards you so biased? Whereas your sister receives better treatment than me. There was once, even after begging him all day, he didn't agree to drop me to that place. Tsk, tsk…”

Sharon’s lips stretched into a thin line in displeasure upon recalling the past event.

Siblings we all knew that throw dirt on each other when they get any chance. This was the same case with Sharon and Liam.

Ileana smiled slightly, informed stoically, “Actually, the place was on his way, so he agreed to drop Kylie.”