WebNovelWild Sin13.92%

Chapter 11

“He won’t want the fight any more than you do. He’ll know you’re a more dominant wolf and that you’ll most likely defeat him – he won’t want to chance looking weak in front of his pack in case it inspired one of them to challenge his position.”

“You’re going to have to openly claim I’m your true mate, Taryn,” he reminded her gently as he breezed his thumb over his mark. “Are you going to be able to do that?”

It took a good deal of effort not to let the smile drop from her face. “Yes. I know what has to be done.”

He brushed his lips against hers. “Good girl. How’s your wolf doing? Did she want you to fight me off when I marked you?”

She shook her head. “She likes you.”

Trey smiled crookedly. “You say that like it makes her stupid.”

“She’s impressed by your level of dominance.”

That surprised him. “Not intimidated?”

“No. She thinks you’re strong enough to take her on, she doesn’t like weaklings. It’s your scent she likes most.”