Trey reached Taryn just before her body turned limp. He’d felt it the second she’d hit her head, felt just a hint of the pain, and he’d sensed it as the dizziness rushed over her and almost took her under. Instinctively he had rocketed through the forest and took the steps three at a time to get to her. Panic had speared him as he called her name over and over but received no response.
“What happened?” asked Dante as he rushed over with the enforcers, apparently having sensed his anxiety and Taryn’s pain through the pack link.
“I don’t know. Looks like she fell, hit her head, and passed out.”
“Is she breathing?” asked Marcus.
Trey placed an ear to her lips. “Yeah, she’s breathing.”
“Nothing’s blocking her airway?”
He swept his finger into her mouth and shook his head. “No.”
“Good. Everyone move so he can take her inside.”
Dante winced. “Going by that bump on her head, she smacked the ground damn hard.”