Chapter 105 Stop being a pussy.

The house was dark and quiet when Zachary let himself in. He locked the door, turned on the light, and went directly to the mini-bar. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and took a swig.

“Drinking alone at night?”

Zachary stiffened at the sound of Nick’s voice. “It’s late,” he said curtly. “Go to sleep.”

“I’m a little too old to have a bedtime.”

Zachary took a gulp of whiskey. “It’s three in the morning, I’m knackered, and not in a good mood, Nick.”

“I can see that,” Nick said, his tone as dry. “You haven’t been in a good mood the entire evening. Ever since—”

“Where’s Ryan and Jane?” Zachary said. When he’d left the house a little after midnight, they had still been there.

“Very subtle,” Nick said. “But in case you really care, they’re upstairs, sleeping like babies—oddly enough, not together. So, about—”

Zachary walked out of the room.

But Nick, being Nick, didn’t get the hint and followed him out to the terrace.