The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.

In the northwest of Denver, Arvada is the place that puts you between the city and the mountain. A beautiful place to enjoy nature.

A long trail of luxury black cars came in a straight line and stopped blocking the way of the upcoming transport to reach the bus stand. A couple of young men rushed out of the cars and then one of them came forward in order to open the door of the car in the middle.

The door opened and the first thing that came into the sight of the people standing at the bus stand waiting for their bus who has now been blocked by those multiple cars show were high-end shining heels, and then the leg that was covered with black color stockings.

A woman wearing a green color formal dress with diamonds on her body glittering brightly under the sun stood with her head held high and then frowned with a disgusted look as she scanned the surrounding where she was standing at the moment.

A raindrop fell on her shoulder while she was scrutinizing the area, she looked up with a deep frown and then said sharply, “Umbrella…” Her voice wasn’t high but the domineering in it made the men around her shivered in fear as they quickly rushed to bring an umbrella for her.

With her heels clicking, the woman walked to the front door, and just as she stopped in front of the door, a man quickly pressed the doorbell.


It took a little time for the door to open as the outside people waited patiently but the woman standing in the center with huge arrogance and attitude couldn’t help but start moving her foot in agitation.


The seconds ticked by and finally, the door opened revealing the wrinkled and haggard face of a man in his fifties.

“Boss Madam…” The man exhaled with extreme shock on his face.

Dylan Will is an ordinary employee in the biggest company in Denver, Jack&Swans Company. It’s been 25 years that he had been a respectable employee in the company and as a reward for his loyalty with the company for so many years he had been awarded multiple certificates too.

The woman standing at his door was none other than the Boss of the company, the CEO, Miss Swan.

It is rare for someone like Miss Swan to set foot into a normal house which doesn't match her identity. Though Dylan had known the purpose of her visit, he still felt surprised and a little nervous at the same time.

Would it be a right decision?

Suddenly realizing his carelessness that he even forgot to greet her, he quickly bowed his head to greet her respectfully, “Good Morning, Boss Madam.”

“Morning,” The woman’s sharp voice came, and then she asked in a cold voice, “Aren’t you going to let me in, Dylan?”

“Oh… Oh… Please come… Please…” The man said, looking nervous and embarrassed.

The woman then walked inside with her powerful aura and the men stayed outside. Walking inside the home, the first thing the woman noticed was poverty, not high poverty but in her eyes, it was a kind of poverty and there wasn’t even a single piece that she would consider as a valuable thing in the house.

Just after taking a few steps, she reached the hall of the house, she looked a bit satisfied with the cleanliness of the house and in a way, it looked mildly presentable too.

A pair of cheap sofa sets were placed in the living room with a cheap coffee table placed in front of it.

“Please… Please… Have a seat.” The man bowed and requested for her to sit as though he is a low servant and she is a queen.

The woman sat on the sofa with a neutral face and the man looked scared yet elated from her arrival.

“I’ll ask Dany to prepare tea for you…” The man said and then excused himself but stopped midway after the woman’s voice.

“Where is she?” She asked, her eyes were firm on the man.

It didn’t take a few seconds for Mr. Will to understand that His Madam Boss is asking about his only daughter, Tessa.

“She… She’s still asleep…” Mr. Will informed with hesitation and the woman flashed a disappointed look as she questioned with a narrowed look, “It’s 7 in the morning and still she’s asleep… Why?”

“Huh… Uhm… Madam Boss, she had been out with her friends, she had just turned 18 a few days ago… I will bring her now.” Mr. Will said reasonably but the woman’s cold eyes didn’t change a bit when she nodded her head dismissively allowing him to leave. And he quickened involuntarily.


“Tess… Wake up, Tess…” Mrs. Will anxiously called her daughter who was under her blanket, pushing her arms heavily. Even though she had no idea why Miss Swan asked to meet her daughter, she knew it would be better to obey the request.

However, the woman on the bed didn’t even flicker her eyes and remained asleep like a log. Dany Will then put some force clearly irritated from the lack of responsible response from her.

“Wake up, Tessa…” Her voice was growing louder and finally, the woman in the bed blinked her eyes and her face turned into an ugly frown.

“Mom, let me sleep…” Tessa said in a hoarse voice, following with a long yawn. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were still half-closed, the disheveled appearance of the woman showed how much she had partied last night and as usual, had slept late.

Her tantrums were justified because she really is sleepy at the moment, but her mom has no choice but to wake her up at this moment.

“Tess, wake up, you need to go down, right now…” Dany Will said in an urging way but Tessa still laid on her bed with the soft blanket giving her warmth and peace of her deep sleep.

“Mom, I am sleepy…” Another groan came from Tessa’s mouth, this time with a deep slumbering voice.

“Tess, Miss Swan is calling for you... She is waiting in the living room.” And with that, Mrs Will pulled the blanket away from her.

Tessa growled at her sudden attack on her, but then soon she calmed her anger as mother's words clicked in her mind.

'Miss Swan is calling for you.'

“Miss Swan?” Tessa asked, curious, shocked, and excited, many things sounded in her voice at once, “Mom, do you mean that Miss Swan?”

The boss of her father, and also, the sister of him! As soon as she thought of him, a secret sweetness came to Tessa's heart.

“Yes, Miss Swan, Now go and get ready, before your father comes here and pulls you out of the bed…” Her mother pushed her inside the bathroom.

Before she could come out from her thoughts, she saw her pale and haggard face in the mirror. Then, a big question came into Tessa’s mind.

Why is Miss Swan asking to see her?