Chapter 42 COLD BATH

I did a little achievement dance in my head, clenching the glass of juice tightly in my hands as I watch Andrew intently.

His smile starts to vanish as he continues chewing the lasagna and there is a moment when he seems to puke but then silently gulps the food down in his stomach with difficulty.

He looks around for the water and my smirk widened, seems like I forget to bring the jug of water, oops my bad.

Smiling innocently, I take slow sips from my fresh cold juice, and with a thrill I watch him finishing the lasagna on his plate. I see the smoke coming out of his mouth and ears but still, he stubbornly continues eating, not stopping until he finishes the lasagna I had served him.

I look determination in his eyes, and my eyes keep provoking him. Alas, he finishes the lasagna, and my interesting show of Andrew’s suffering finishes.