“Play…” I urge Andrew, he has been sitting on the piano stool and keeps staring at the piano keys for a long time with no intention of moving his hand to play.

He looks in a trance, I don’t know why? He doesn’t say anything.

He rarely steps into the music room and today I forcibly pull him into the music room to play something for me, something that will make me dance, I am very much happy and at peace since he has confessed his love for me.

It feels like I have gotten all the things that I had desired and now I can die in peace.

Andrew still looks in a daze not moving when I playfully lean on the piano, “Play, Hubby…” I urge and when he looks at me I start to wriggle my brows playfully making him chuckle lightly.

He shakes his head and then taking a deep breath finally he presses a key and the silent room fill with a sound.