Chapter 84 HEARTBEAT



I feel nauseous and grumpy in the morning. Andrew is trying his best to cooperate with me but somehow I always find a way to pick a fight with him and then argue unnecessarily. He never says anything, just letting me do what I want.

Like just now I am scolding him for not drying my hair properly when in reality he had done the work well.

I just need a reason to make a bad face all day.

I am also angry with him and Ann because they did not allow me to share this big news with my parents, which is completely disagreeable. But who is gonna protest against them, huh?

I tried to but I could never succeed and neither disobeyed them.

After breakfast, Ann takes me to the hospital for another ultrasound. The doctor greets me politely and takes me straight to the examination room. She starts doing my ultrasound and this time I hear something and I look at her surprised.

“What is it?” I ask bewildered.