"Thank you very much," I hold Andrew's hand as I thank him wholeheartedly.

I had spent a good time at my parent's house and also he remembers my birthday, How? I never told him my real birthdate.

As I was sitting in a daze when my husband puts an envelope in my lap, "Your birthday gift." He says and I look down in surprise.

I raise my brows and then look at me, he gives me a mischievous grin, and then I rip open the envelope quite carelessly.

He chuckles at my behavior and what I see inside is a plane ticket to the USA.

I look at him and ask with a blank mind. "What is it?"

"It's a ticket, you are going to the USA." He says, his tone back to his serious one.

"Why?" I raise my brows.

"For a vacation." He replies.

"But, I don't think I am allowed to travel it's nearly 32 weeks now." I remind him.