Chapter 149 TOO INNOCENT


“I haven’t told you about this before... But…” Ann looks at me nervously and then finally reveals, “Mona knew about your wedding and that is why she has left you.”


I feel like a rock hit my head as for a moment I go completely blank as to how to react.

“No…” A low whisper escapes my mouth and shaking her head, Ann holds my hand.

“It was because of Tessa that Mona leaves you and then kills your child.” Another confession and I get another hit on my brain. What the hell is happening.

Mona, Tessa ??

My mind started to explode with a terrible headache and then a pill was placed in my palm. “Eat this, it will reduce the headache.” Nodding my head absentmindedly I gulp down the pill and close my eyes leaning back in the seat.

A few seconds passed by and my headache started to go as I open my eyes and look around at my surroundings. I am in the car with Ann and we are outside the mansion.