Chapter 169 SECRET VISIT


On the third day of my therapy, Dr. Kavanagh hands me a notebook asking me to write my fears.

I pondered for a while, if she had asked this before Tessa I would have written many fears that I had but now I have only one that is losing her, forever.

She asks multiple questions about Tessa and I answer with complete honesty, except revealing the truth of our contact marriage yet.

Dr. Kavanagh has advised me to write my feelings whenever I am unable to explain them or whenever I feel overwhelmed.

I take her advice and have started writing my feelings in a book that I hide carefully under my bed.


My flight landed in Aspen and I couldn’t help but grin widely. I wonder how Tessa would react to my sudden arrival. It’s been 10 days since she has come here and Miss Celine has told me that she is spending her time calmly here.

I am happy that she is calm and happy here instead of being sad and angry.