“Pick it up,” I exhale irritatedly and then look at the time on my phone, past 11, has she fallen asleep?

I wonder.

And still, stubbornly I keep calling her, finally, she picks up and I take a breath of a sigh.

“Lillian, where the hell was you?” I question, and then stop abruptly when I hear her panting, “Are you… Are you fine?” My tone changes immediately.

“Yes,” She breathes. “Why were you calling me?” She asks and then I explain her Tessa’s condition as nicely as I could and then asks for her suggestion.

She refers to one of her friends who is a General Doctor and as I am not able to bring her now while leaving Tessa alone, I ask her to come over. She as usual acts grumpily in the beginning but then soon obliges my command.

I keep pacing back and forth staring at the door of the washroom, I must not enter because I know if I do I would do something that will take away the last hope of mine in pursuing Tessa to stay with me.