Chapter 241 Meeting Cyril And Mom


How does it feel when a bullet pierces through your heart making you numb for a whole second and then the pain starts to rush in your whole body making you suffocate and near to your death?

This is the feeling I have right now.

Although I shouldn't be feeling like this, I should be relieved and free, but now I am pressed with a heavy rock and it’s difficult to breathe.

The two men in my life whom I love the most turned out to be the main monsters of my life.

And, sadly, one is my dear husband and the other is my father.


I keep weeping inside Cyril’s ward immersed in my own misery when a voice brings me back to my life.

“Will you stop crying?”

I look in the dark, I must be hallucinating, Cyril seems to be asleep but still, I take a step cautiously.

“Are you awake, Cyril?” I raise my brows, my voice is hoarse.

“If a witch is going to weep like this, how an angel is going to stay asleep.” He teases and I smile with teary eyes.