Chapter 259 GHOST ARMY


I see the light hues of orange in the sky at the beginning of the light hours in the sky and lean back to my place feeling depressed. I wonder how Tessa would be, would she be fine? Had Ann beaten her badly? Is she still alive or…

No, that thought terrifies me and again I sit up feeling stressed as the car starts to jump on the bumpy road, and after a while, the car stops.

I get out of the car before Jethro and look around the place where we have arrived. It’s a remote area, completely isolated, I don’t see a single person around, not even a bird in the sky.

There are plenty of abandoned buildings and I look around puzzled not knowing which one has my Tessa inside it, trapped.

“Which one?” I tilt my head and ask Jethro.

He too looks blank just like me, “No idea, man.” He shakes his head and fury starts to boil inside me.