Chapter 96

My head throbbed harshly and I tried to peel my eyes open regardless. I still heard the screams and felt the pains in my stomach. I was hearing the cries, swirling around me and I Just couldn't take it in anymore.

I felt a tear slide down my closed eyes, my subconsciousness slowly coming back to the realization that I wasn't anywhere near the crying and screaming people anymore. I wasn't there anymore. I was somewhere quiet. The quietness added more aches to my body and the feeling of loneliness enveloped me as I laid there.

My mind traveled to everything that had happened. I was returning back to the pack after having such a fun night, only to be met with the screaming and crying of my family. Then I'd watched Sabrina run off to get her family. My heart stopped for a while as I thought about her. Was she alright? I shook fiercely as I tried to figure out if she was still alive or if she got out with her family.