Chapter 6 Ex Husband

Elissa was hurrying to do her hair and makeup, in between muttering about Benjamin’s last-minute update about them going for dinner outside.

Satisfied with her look, she exited the room carrying the clutch and went downstairs directly where Benjamin was waiting for her. Reaching down the building, her mouth formed in the shape of an O when she saw the Porsche car behind Benjamin.

Benjamin was awestruck to see Elissa in that dress. Everything was simply perfect and the way she pouted her rosy lips and the widening of her brown orbs, made his heart flutter. He smiled and stretched his open palm forward for her to take.

Placing her hand in his, she asked with amusement, “Your car?”

“Hey, I am the CEO of the largest company at B, I do have some dignity” he joked making Elissa chuckle. He loved to see her smile and especially if he was the reason for that.

“Shall we get going?”

“After you” he opened the door for her and once she was comfortably seated in the car, he shut the car door and went to his side.

He buckled up his seatbelt and said, “I am sorry for telling you about this dinner at the end. The dinner was planned but it almost slipped my mind to tell you. ”

Elissa accepted his apology and asked more about his old friend. “Well, he and I attended the same college. We were good friends but then I moved to B city and we lost connection. It so happened that he is now my competitor– one of the toughest businessmen in A city, so I contacted him to have dinner with him. I'll tell you more when we will see him face to face.” Elissa chuckled and nodded.

He started the car and drove to the destination.

After fifteen minutes, they reached the restaurant. He parked the car outside of HELENA’S AROMA, making sure the space was clear. Getting out, he went to open the door for Elissa, and taking his hand, she stepped out of the car.

“Wow, the restaurant looks great” she complemented impressed by the restaurant’s exterior.

“You will like the food even more.”

Benjamin requested Elissa to place her hand around his arm and since he was requesting, she agreed with a sigh. Elissa started to feel at ease but when she saw a familiar face, it snatched her breath in a heartbeat.

The familiar blue eyes, the raven hair, and that face, no matter what, she could never forget that. Dressed in an expensive suit, Carson stood in front and was as shocked as she was. His eyes were wide and he felt his body going stiff. He wasn’t expecting to see her, not here, not in this restaurant.

Benjamin felt Elissa’s body tense and her eyes fixed on the man in front of them. He frowned and asked if she was okay. She could only lie. Benjamin stepped forward and gave a hug to Carson, making Elissa more surprised. So he was the man they were having dinner with?

Elissa could have managed easily if it wasn’t for the fact that Amanda was standing beside Carson with her arm wrapped around his. The memory of the day when she saw them in the same bed flashed before her eyes but she chose to disappear them.

“Elissa, he is Carson, my old friend and now my competitor” Benjamin hung his shoulder over Carson's as he playfully introduced him. “She is Elissa. The very best assistant I can ever ask for” he then introduced her to them.

Elissa took a step forward and gave them a tight smile. When Carson stretched his hand forward for a handshake, Elissa looked into his eyes and her heart ached to see the look in his eyes.

With a stiff tone, she shook his hand and said, “Hello, Mr. Waverly.”

Elissa turned her attention to Amanda who was glaring at Elissa. Amanda almost couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw her. Thousands of questions were on her mind and she couldn’t ask them in front of Carson.

“She is Miss Amanda Havells,” Benjamin said, giving a playful eye to Carson. But Carson was focused only on Elissa.

“And his soon-to-be wife” Amanda chimed in, showing off her diamond ring.

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Havells” Elissa shook her hand politely, keeping her tone formal. Amanda was hoping for a reaction from Elissa but she was surprised and annoyed when Elissa was so calm as if it didn’t bother her at all.

“Let's go to our seat then. Shall we?” Benjamin asked brightly. He asked Elissa if she was feeling okay because her face was pale and her body stiff as if she had seen a ghost. “Tell me once you feel uncomfortable. I will take you home.” Elissa faintly smiled at Benjamin’s care. The four went to the seat they have booked and took their respective seats. Benjamin and Elissa were seated opposite Carson and Amanda.

Amanda intentionally leaned toward Carson to show Elissa that they were deep in love and Carson had no feelings left for her. Elissa gave no heed to that and chatted with Benjamin.

“So Elissa, how does it feel to work for Benjamin Raymond?” Amanda asked. Elissa cocked her eyebrow giving her a cold look.

Elissa didn't want to talk, so she said perfunctorily, "Well, Benjamin is very capable. I learned a lot from him."

But Amanda didn't want to let Elissa off the hook, saying, "I see Elissa is a big fan of your boss." She looked at Carson and said, “if Mr. Benjamin hadn't said Elissa was his assistant, I would have thought they were a couple. They do make a good couple, don't they?"

Carson gave Amanda a homicidal look in his eyes. But Benjamin was very happy. He praised Elissa. At the same time, Amanda began to pull back.

Benjamin offered to raise a toast to his reunion with Carson.

“I'll go to the washroom. Excuse me please” Elissa got up and hurried to the washroom. When Amanda kept on touching Carson ever when he had said no, Carson hissed at her.

“I told you to not touch me. Don't you get it?” Amanda felt hurt but Carson had always been cold to her, yet, she tried all means to make him like her but his heart was stuck on Elissa. Amanda rose and excused herself to go to the washroom.

Elissa was coming out of the ladies' room when she noticed Amanda. Amanda walked towards her and scoffed with satisfaction. “Long time, Elissa.” Elissa ignored her which made Amanda angry. “Huh! Do you think you are something now that you have a rich man with you? I can't believe you, Elissa. You are such a slut.”

Elissa had enough of her nonsense and turned towards her, she glared at her. She noticed her clutch in her hand and snatched it from her hold. “I am not interested in having any kind of talk with you, Amanda.”

“Why? Oh, I see. You must be jealous knowing that Carson is engaged to me, right? Hah! So you better not go around seducing him or else–”

“Excuse me? Seducing him? That's your job, not mine” Elissa retorted. Amanda ground her teeth, a little surprised to see Elissa differently.

“So what if I seduced him? Carson loves me now. You cheated on him by hooking someone behind your back three years ago! I bet he must be that man” Amanda scorned, talking about Benjamin.

“What do you want, Amanda? You got him, he is now yours. What problem do you have now?”

“You! You are the problem! Why do you have to show up here? Did you already know that Carson was a friend to your boss? Is that the reason that you are back to snatch him from me?”

Elissa could only laugh at her condition. “My god, how insecure are you, Amanda?” She then coldly told her that she wanted to have nothing to do with her or with Carson. “He and I have nothing, whatever we did it was over years ago so please stop accusing me.”

Elissa was done cleaning and turned on her heels to leave. However, Amanda grabbed her arm outside the washroom and pushed her to the wall. “Do you think I'll believe you, you little slut! I saw the way you were looking at him. Hmph! How greedy can you be Elissa? You have a hot boss beside you but still, you want to steal my fiancé?–” A loud slap came to cross Amanda's face that made her ears numb for a moment.

Amanda gaped and her nostrils flared. “You!” But when she noticed Elissa's gaze somewhere else, she turned around to find Carson. She panicked if he heard what she spouted just now.

“Why did you hit her?” Carson asked, looking straight at Elissa with his eyes narrowed.

Amanda quickly started to act like she was the victim. She sobbed and went to Carson like she was being hit by Elissa for no reason. “Carson, she hit B-because I just shared that we were going to marry.”

“Apologize” he stated. For a second Amanda thought he saw right through her and was telling her to apologize to Elissa.

“Why should I apologize? Your fiancee came and started saying nonsense. She deserves that slap” Elissa stayed rooted to her grounds.

“What's happening?” Benjamin came at the moment and his eyebrows rose when he saw Amanda crying while her left cheek had the hand impression as if someone hit her.

“Nothing man. There was just some misunderstanding between the ladies but it's sorted.”

Amanda gaped at him with a baffled expression. How could he? She was about to open her mouth when Carson whispered in her ear, “If you dare make any trouble, I will break off this engagement.”

Elissa was watching them and her blood boiled. Amanda deserved that slap. Elissa had enough of her nonsense.

“Hey, are you alright? What happened?” Benjamin asked tenderly. Elissa shook her head, keeping her eyes on the couple in front of her.

“There's an urgent matter. We will get going now. It was nice to meet you, Benjamin, and Ms. Elissa” Carson said in a hurry, and grabbing Amanda's wrist, he dragged her out of the restaurant and to his car.

Elissa was drained. “I am not feeling well. Let's go home, please?” she said, more like requested. Benjamin quickly agreed and they went home.


Carson dropped Amanda at her house and left without saying anything. Amanda was in a rage. She stormed inside Havells Residency, yelling in anger. Her mother, Kimberly came out running from her room hearing her daughter's fit. She asked what was the matter. Amanda told her mother about Elissa.

“No, we can't let her stay here. We need to drive her out of the city” Kimberly said. They both started to plot an evil plan how they would chase Elissa out of the city. Kimberly also suggested her daughter let Hera know about Elissa's arrival.

Deliberately, Amanda dialled Hera's number. “Mom!” she cried. “You will not believe what happened today.”

Confused, Hera asked, “What happened, Amanda? Is this related to Carson?”

“Elissa is back!” the revelation was like a shock to Hera which made her jump from the couch she was sitting on.

“What? That wench is back?” Hera was fuming with anger now. She had assumed that Elissa must be back for the money and to seduce her son. She won’t let that happen.