It has been a week since Elissa was unemployed. She spent her time keeping herself busy making designs and searching for jobs. Now that she spent most of her time at home, he had a lot of time with Lia. However, for a few days, Lia's health was not good. She has been running on mild fever and gets easily tired.
Elissa was making designs on her sketchbook when she heard Jonathan's loud cry. The urgency in his voice made Elissa frantic. She immediately got up from the living room's couch and ran in the direction of her room where the sound came from. Upon reaching she found Jonathan panicked picking up Lia in his arms, his face was marked with worry. "Brother, what's happening?" Elissa asked, going by his side to check on Lia. She checked her temperature and gasped when she found her body temperature higher than last time. And she couldn't even open her eyes. Her heart tugged, and Elissa quickly went to call for an ambulance.