I gulped, my thigh still on the other side of the window. They were all standing in front of me as if they had expected this to happen.
“Haha! Great night, right?” I finally placed two feet on the ground, “Well, I won’t bother you guys anymore, i’ll be going now!”
I stepped forward to leave, but all of them lined up to block my way.
“Excuse me?”
“Mr. Raphael requests to see you,”
“Request? Oh then please tell him, I said no! Thank you goodbye!” I tried leaving again, but they refused to move.
They were standing so still that even the great wall of China is nothing compared to their will. And of course, the gun that was hoisted on their sides so openly for me to see them. I let out a huge sigh of frustration, punching the air in irritation.
Raphael has gone mad, now he’s trying to kidnap people?!
“I don’t want to go, as per his request!” I shouted.
“Then let me rephrase it for you to understand, Ms.” he replied, “You will come with us.”