We were all waiting at the door to their room when we suddenly heard a loud thud in the room. In worry, the guards and I rushed to the room. Only to see a broken lamp in between Ms. Abby and Mr. Raphael. It looked like they were in a heated argument so we all froze in shock.
Mr. Raphael faces his palm towards us. He says in an irritated voice, “It’s nothing serious, Abby here just likes to play hard to get.”
We all looked at Ms. Abby and saw how much angry she looked. She refuted back at him, raising her voice.
“Shut up! I told you if you don’t have anything better to do than to tease me, then leave!”
“Tease you? I asked you to be my girlfriend, you should be thankful.”
“You narcissist bastard!” She threw a pillow at him, and one of the guards immediately blocked the soft plushy pillow that almost hit our boss.
Mr. Raphael gives a look of disbelief, “Have you gone crazy?”