Chapter 40 Convenience Store Talk


As it turns out, Raphael suspended me for the whole week without just cause. Not that I was going to complain anyway, I mean who am I to go against the complaint from our very boss? That’s why when I got the call that the duration of my suspension would last one week, I just shrugged it off and went home on the same day. 

My mom was currently in treatment, so I was all alone by myself. The first thing I did was to get some snacks from a nearby convenience store. 

I wore this grey hoodie, pants and mask that matched and swore that no one could recognize me from my comfortable get-up.

Until someone tapped me on the shoulder as I held the Cheetos in my hand.


I flinched when I heard the familiar voice from behind and turned to see Keith, who was also in a similar get up, standing close to me. My eyebrow rose and I pulled down my mask to speak.

“Keith? What are you doing here?”

He chuckles, while raising the plastic bag on his hand, “To buy something, of course.”