Chapter 77 Four-eyes

I was surprised when i realised that he knew my name, but on the other hand i was dumfounded because i couldn't recall of who he was.

I mean how can i forget someone so gorgeous like he is? He was about 6ft tall, green-eyes and had an ash blonde hair color. He was too beautiful to forget so i repeatedly asked myself if he was just mistaken or not.

I pointed to myself. "You… know me?"

"Of course! You don't remember me?" He says, approaching my seat. Once he stood in front of me, i took a quick glance on Dylan and he smiled sheepishly.

"I… i'm sorry i can't really recall. But even your kid looks like he knows me."

"He's not mine. He's my nephew." He smiles, pulling Dylan, who still keeps saying 'pretty', to his arms before sitting next to me.


I didn't know what else to say since i never really liked awkward situations- especially with strangers in it so i just sat there for a minute in silence before he opened his mouth once again.