Morning came and Abby’s heart had not stopped hurting. She was sadly lying in bed after going through her hourly check-up, and Emily lay there next to her, snoring. Abby was glad that her best friend could be there with her for her comfort and to soothe Abby at such hard times. As she had spare time to reflect on what happened in the last couple of days, she realized that she had maybe come off as very rude to Raphael. He had brought her to the hospital, paid for everything, and waited for her to wake up. That was a very out-of-character thing for him too, and yet he still did these things for her, but Abby knew her reaction was not very thankful.
It was not like she did not want him to be here with her right now, but she was too embarrassed. She had lost the child, and he did not even know that it was his. He had been to the hospital for treatment of her and the child he thought belonged to another man, yet she could not let him see her in this state.