Five years of hard work would end up like this; I had never thought about it. He was right; he does have the power to spoil all this, my har work, but am I ready to submit to him?

Absolutely not.

And I never will be.

My head hurt thinking of all the future possibilities; what is he gonna do, what's his plan? I know that I crushed his ego today by asking him to reject me, and I am sure that he is going to retaliate.

But how?

If I could have the tiny hint of what he is planning, then maybe I can do something.

Maybe, then I’ll be prepared in every way to face him. He has authority, he has people around him who can do anything for him, but I only have this place and my baby. I don’t want to run away; I am done running. I want to face him head-on. He needs to learn that I am not made of rubber that he can bend in any way he desires.

I walked back into the office and leaned against the door. The whole conversation was overwhelming.