Chapter 3 NEW LIFE

Chapter 3: New Life


DIANA'S THOUGHTS were drawn back by the physical pain.

"Are you a doctor?"

Rey Tilde retraced his steps and returned his gaze to Diana, who had black hair and gauze wrapped around her head. "Well, I'm your attending physician."

"I… You claim I was involved in a car accident?"

"Yes, Ms. Rodriguez, the rescue came in time, and you were unconscious for two full days after you left the operating room."

Diana gradually unbuttoned the doctor's coat. "Eloise Rodriguez..."

"If it's okay with you, Ms. Rodriguez, I'll go first, and I'll call your assistant to come and see you." Rey finally looked at Eloise's body and quickly left.

Diana had a thought as she listened to the sound of the door closing. 'Did I really borrow the corpse to bring my soul back to earth? And Ms. Eloise Rodriguez was in that car accident? So, did Ms. Rodriguez pass away?'

Her heart swelled with sadness as she remembered Eloise Rodriguez's final smile on herself; she did not want her resurrection to be based on the deaths of others.

Diana lowered her head to examine the body of Eloise Rodriguez. Her body was red and swollen in many places as a result of the car accident, and her two knees were wrapped in thick gauze. She reached out and touched her head, discovering that it was covered entirely in a circle of white gauze, indicating a bandaged surgical wound.

Her long black soft hair was scattered, which was far superior to her original brown hair texture.

When she remembered being forcibly cut by Raven Carson, the pain that felt like bones breaking invaded her again, and she curled up involuntarily.

"Raven, heaven actually gave me a life, and I will definitely repay my pain to you tenfold!" said an elegant voice tinged with hatred.

Heinrich Davis was lying weakly on the bed in the European-style mansion, looking at the front with a scattered gaze, and his assistant, Logan Fowler, stood worriedly beside the bed.

"President, Ms. Barrett has been buried for two days and two nights, and your body will collapse if you don't eat or drink."

"How's the Barretts, Logan?"

"President, you were concerned about what Mr. Alfred Barrett was doing when he hurt the Davis family. Furthermore, the Barretts now have the Carsons. Before Ms. Diana died, Alfred Barrett gave Raven Carson many things and even treated him like their own son..."

Heinrich's rage was visible in his eyes. "Assign someone to monitor Raven Davis."

"What are you attempting to accomplish, Sir?"

Heinrich clenched his fist, his face flushed with rage. "I don't think it was an accident. I'm going to figure out why Diana died," he asserted.

"The NYPD declared that Ms. Diana Barrett died as a result of a car accident."

Heinrich locked his gaze on Logan. "Do as I say, and don't lose any hints!"

A month later, Diana was taken out of the hospital by Eloise Rodriguez's assistant and close friend, Isabel Pitt, and Diana, who had been carefully cared for by Isabel for a month, confirmed Isabel's deep friendship with Eloise.

Diana was perplexed because she knew everything about Eloise Rodriguez, and when Isabel handed her Eloise's phone and wallet, she remembered Eloise's bank card and also knew the lock screen password on the phone.

The injuries on her body improved day by day, and Diana's brain slowly stored all of Eloise's memories, and she had the memories of two women.

Eloise Rodriguez, to her surprise, owns Manhattan's largest nightclub, The Privilege, which can hold up to 10,000 people and spans 6,500 square meters. Despite her goddess-like beauty and wealth, she has never had a boyfriend.

Few people have seen Eloise's face, and whenever she appears in the Privilege, she hides her beautiful face behind a black veil, as if she were a mysterious night elf.

Eloise Rodriguez is anything but gentle and homely. Eloise is a fantastic dancer. Many famous nobles in the Privilege spend countless sums of money in order to dance with her.

She is a mystery to every man.

Diana Barrett felt as if she was desecrating her flesh and body to avenge Eloise Rodriguez. She had to abandon Eloise's previous life rules to avenge her.

"Eloise, you are stunning! You're also fortunate. The accident didn't even leave a single scar on you." Isabel marveled at Diana's face in the mirror, which was filled with joy. "You have no idea how terrified I was when you were wheeled into the operating room that day. I was afraid you'd leave this world unexpectedly, and I'd lose my only friend."

She's not Eloise; she's Diana. She is at a loss for words.

"Does this look good on me?" Diana inquired as she took up the black veil hanging in the mirror, and the beauty of Eloise waiting for it loomed in her mind.

Diana's veil was taken from her grasp by Isabel. "Come on; I'll help you put it on. Your beauty isn't something those playboys can see!"

Diana reached out and took the veil, tossing it into the drawer. "No, I don't think I'll be wearing this veil anymore."

"Why? Have you always disliked having your face exposed to the public?"

"This accident taught me the value of life. I don't want to waste the beauty that Heaven has bestowed upon me, and from now on... I intend to live brightly!"

Without waiting for Isabel to process what she had said, she rose and exited the dressing room, heading for the vigilance ballroom. She was dressed in a long black dress with sparkling crystals on the back of the drooping skirt.

The aura of the dance hall sprinkled on her with the presence of Diana, and the group of people stopped all movements to look at the beauty in the middle of the darkness, and everyone's faces showed amazement.

Diana's beautiful ruby eyes fluttered lightly over the people in the hall, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly to reveal a lovely smile.

She raised a glass of red wine to the crowd while wearing black gloves and looked up to take a sip.

Isabel dashed over to Diana. "How can you drink, Eloise? You've only recently recovered from the accident."

Diana laughed. "It's fine. I know my own body."

"Eloise, do you know that you will bring disaster with such a high profile?" Isabel bit her lip and whispered. "Those well-known disciples of the elite industry are bad for you."

Diana looked at the slightly refracting red wine in the glass. Eloise's original low-key mystery was to make a lotus flower in this red wine, but she couldn't do it. To exact her revenge, she had to make a high-profile appearance in order to undermine everything about Eloise.

"I know what I'm doing, Isabel," she said and smiled.


Isabel observed Eloise turn around and walk towards the front. Her heart was troubled as she looked around at the greedy eyes cast by people in all directions.

Raven Carson was talking and laughing in the crowd, at a round table in the middle, and didn't notice the woman approaching him from behind.