Chapter 91 GONNA PEE

Chapter 91: Gonna Pee


"What the hell are you angry about?"

When Heinrich ate the apple, Eloise asked cautiously.

Heinrich took a sharp bite of the apple and immediately grinned his teeth; his movement was too big to involve the wound on his head.

Eloise was distressed, "Can you eat it in a small bite?”

Heinrich was embarrassed and silent, "Who did you just talk to outside?”

"What?" Eloise did not adapt to Heinrich's adjustment to the topic.

"Who did you stay outside the operating room with? I opened my eyes in the ambulance, and someone was by your side.”

"Oh…The police.”

"What are you looking for the police to do?"

"Deal with Wendy.”

Heinrich frowned, "What do you want to do?”

"Wendy deliberately hurt you; shouldn't I let her be punished?"

"The person Wendy originally wanted to hurt was you, do you know?"

Eloise nodded, "I know; thank you very much for blocking a bottle of wine for me."