Ava's POV:
"Ethan," I replied flatly, trying to keep all emotion out of my tone. I succeeded, but I still felt like shit when I saw his face contort before he could block it out. UH WHY did I feel like that?
I should hate him, despise him even, but as hard as I tried, I couldn't help but fall in love with him.
"Ava!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ella called my name, a smile forming on my lips as I looked across the table to find my new grinning friend. This whole friendship thing was new to me, but I knew whether I liked it or not, I couldn't just run off like I'd planned because the pull of the pairing would be too strong, especially since we both had strong alpha blood in our veins.
"Hey, girl," I grinned and looked for a seat, only to find that the only empty seat was next to Ethan. I sighed and nibbled on my lip before shrugging my shoulders and taking a seat next to the doozy also known as my Mate.