Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Because it was Nicole’s first day working in his office, Andrew called the butler of his grandmother to look after her.

They left the hospital while his grandmother was still sleeping but they promised they would be back early in the afternoon to bring her home.

Finally, after staying for a couple of days and nights, she had fully recovered and can be discharged.

“I think we need some coffee first. Let’s go to the hospital cafeteria before we go back home at six in the morning,” Andrew suggested to Nicole. He needed some caffeine in his veins to keep him awake. He wouldn’t deny that he had been so tired and sleepy, but he had no heart not to look after his grandmother. She was so precious to him.

He was thankful that nothing worse had happened to her during the accident because if there was, he would not forgive those people who had bumped into her car.

“Alright,” Nicole simply answered.

And they walked towards the hospital cafeteria without any other words.