Chapter 26

Chapter 26

A couple of knocks on the door interrupted their conversation. Nicole felt disappointed because Andrew ended their conversation.

“I guess that’s Alan,” Andrew said after he looked at his wristwatch. It was as if he needed to go somewhere else.

Then, the door suddenly opened.

Andrew was right. It was Alan.

“Alright,” he said as he stood up. “Think carefully about what we have discussed and let me know your answer before we go and pick up grandma at the hospital,” he added as he dismissed her.

She nodded her head as she tried to hide her dismay.

“Okay, sir,” she replied and stood up as well. She took the tea cups that they used with her.

“What time is the meeting, Alan?” Andrew asked his personal assistant.

Alan looked at his wristwatch and his gaze shifted to him.

“In fifteen minutes, sir,” Alan said and then stood up while waiting for further instruction from their boss.

She saw that Andrew just nodded.