Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Nicole made a couple of knocks on the door but still there was no response from the person inside the bedroom.

Her eyebrows were drawn together as she was thinking why Andrew was not answering. So, she pushed the door open and she found out that there was no one inside the bedroom.

Her eyebrows drew closer to each other.

“Where is he?” She uttered to herself.

But when she was already in the middle part, she heard the sounds of the running water inside the washroom. Probably, the man was there.

She was having second thoughts if she should just leave the cup of tea on top of the bedside table and leave the room. She was afraid that Mommy Liz and Grandma were waiting for her in the living room.

But when she saw the two trolley bags in the corner of the room, she immediately put down the cup of tea on top of the bedside table.

Nicole quickly went to the trolley bags and checked them. She opened them and she saw that the bag was already empty.