Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Andrew and Nicole left his mother and grandmother in the villa. He was glad that they didn’t come with them because he wanted to spend time with Nicole.

The place that they were heading to was just ten minutes away from the villa. But since it was already ten in the morning and the sun was already high, they didn’t walk since they might get burned from the sun. Andrew drove the car but it would take them five minutes more since they would have to take a U-turn so they could reach the hotel which was their destination.

Andrew got off the car and then he went into Nicole’s side. He opened the car door for her.

It was so different when they first met.

“Thank you,” Nicole said smiling at him. He didn’t know if she remembered as well their first encounter.

“My pleasure,” he replied and then he wrapped his arm into her small waist. He was acting like a proud boyfriend and saying that no one could take away Nicole from him.