Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Nicole was surprised because of what Andrew said.

She couldn’t understand what exactly was running inside his mind. He wanted them to get married though she couldn’t deny to herself that deep inside her heart, she was rejoicing. Though at the same time, there was also worry. A part of her was trying to put a lot of questions inside her head.

She knew that everything was happening so fast. It was as if just yesterday that she had met the man and they were already planning something that would change her life forever.

They just met a couple of days ago and then they decided to live together, when she woke up, Andrew wanted them to get married. She agreed to everything because she knew that Andrew didn’t want to hurt his family.

Because of the misunderstanding of his grandmother and his mother that they were having a romantic relationship. Though it never came inside her mind that the man would make everything real and here she was, agreed to Andrew again.