Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Before Andrew was planning just to wait for Nicole to tell him about her past. He didn’t want to ask her so that Nicole would confess everything to him. He wanted Nicole to tell him about her ex-boyfriend or lover voluntarily. He didn’t want it to come from him.

But changed plans because of what he had seen from Nicole.

This time he had to boldly ask her. He knew that he was being impatient, but he wanted to be prepared just in case in the future he would meet Ashley. He wanted to be prepared for whatever this man could do to them , especially when they were already married.

He didn’t want to take for granted what just happened. He could see Nicole was trembling in fear because she had seen the man.

And, he wanted to assure her that he was there for her. He wanted her to feel that no one could hurt and harm her if she was on his side. He would do everything to make her feel safe. He would do everything in his power to make that possible.