Chapter 102

Chapter 102

“What do you want? Can you---” Nicole didn’t continue her words when she found out that Ashley was already gone. She just saw the man’s back heading to the party hall.

She could feel her whole body shaking. She was trembling in fear. She didn’t know that Ashley would go near her.

Nicole raised her head and then she saw the stars brightly shining above the sky even

though there was no moon. The stars were twinkling above. They were so beautiful. It was as if the universe was trying to comfort. She felt that the surroundings could understand the sadness that she felt at the moment and the worry inside her chest.

She didn’t know what she had done to deserve all of these that was happening to her. She needed to grow up without her parents. She felt like she didn’t deserve to be with someone because when they were getting closer to her, either they would be gone or they would die. Her parents left her as well and that was the reason why she needed to live a good life.