Chapter 119

Andrew passed by on the desk where Nicole usually sits. He was standing for a while after that he got inside of his office. It didn’t take a while and he heard footsteps coming in his direction.

Andrew put his jacket in the suit stand before he went in his swivel chair and sat. It was not even a minute that passed when he sat there when a knock was heard from the door.

“Come in,” he shouted and after a couple of seconds, the door opened.

It was Alan who came inside.

“Sir, the meeting with the new shareholders will start in fifteen minutes,” Alan said to him.

“Alright, let’s go then,” he said and then stood up but before he stepped away from his desk, his phone rang.

He quickly fished it out from his pocket and immediately swiped the answer button when he saw who the caller was. He couldn't just ignore it.

“Hello,” he greeted the caller on the other line.

“Hello, Drew? Are you coming tonight?” His mother asked as soon as she heard his voice on the other line.